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San-ei – Animal Crossing – Girl with Net Plush

Posted on Nov 10, 2024 by

Character Name: Villager (Girl with Net)
Series Name: Animal Crossing
Game: Animal Crossing / どうぶつの森+
Set: San-ei Animal Forest+ (Series 2)
Year: 2001

San-ei’s original Animal Crossing plush sets actually contained multiple Villager variants, which would unfortunately be rare to see plushes of going forward. In fact, their second set only contained two plushes, a Boy and Girl Villager, which looked similar to the two Villagers in their first set, but with different outfits and with the items they’re holding swapped.

Below is a screenshot of the set from the Animal Crossing plush page on San-ei’s website circa June 2004, which was the oldest version of the site I could find.