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Senario – LittleBigPlanet – Voodoo Plush

Posted on Nov 16, 2024 by

Character: Sackboy / Voodoo
Series Name: LittleBigPlanet
Game: LittleBigPlanet
Set: Senario LittleBigPlanet PlushLittleBigPlanet Series 1
Year: 2009 (December?)

This set either came out in late 2009 or very early 2010. I remember I ordered these from Amazon in late December 2009, and for the initial release via Amazon, they were only available in sets of two (still in their individual boxes, but you had to buy two at a time), with Marvin and Voodoo paired together. They were later sold individually in stores such as Toys R Us. As mentioned earlier, this release came in an open cardboard display box in addition to its paper hang tag.